Obtain executive summaries by brand, model and province, market performance compared by day, month and year and sales projections for the current month and for the entire year.
How to download our APP?
First of all, we tell you that at the moment our APP is not available in the application store of your device, that is why in order to install it you have to follow the following steps:
1- Enter the following link
2- On the right side of your browser, tap on the 3 dots and go to “Add to main screen”.
3- Tap on add, and you will have the SIOMAA APP installed on the applications screen of your cell phone.
4- To log in, with your SIOMAA username and password, you can log in.
5- Once you have entered, you will have to customize your navigation by tapping on the profile icon and choosing the province, the type of market and the brand you prefer to view.
1- Enter the following link
If you use SAFARI:
2- At the bottom of your browser, tap on the share logo.
3- Search to add to Home, touch and you will have the SIOMAA APP installed on the applications screen of your cell phone.
If you use Chrome:
2- On the right side of your browser, tap on the 3 dots and go to “Add to main screen”.
3- Tap on add, and you will have the SIOMAA APP installed on the applications screen of your cell phone.
4- To log in, with your SIOMAA username and password, you can log in.
5- Once you have entered, you will have to customize your navigation by tapping on the profile icon and choosing the province, the type of market and the brand you prefer to view.